
Editorial Illustration for FT Brazil's Edition

The Domain of Globalization / O domínio da globalização

Illustration Project for Financial Times: Series of 9 covers (see below some examples)

Mastering Global Business - Brazilian Edition published by Gazeta Mercantil Newspaper

Edição brasileira publicada pelo Jornal Gazeta Mercantil

"Global Tribe"- Intercultural Management of People / "Tribo Global"- A gestão intercultural de pessoal

"Communicate!"- The Technological Advances / "Comunicar!"- Os avanços tecnológicos

"Perspectives"- Regional perspectives / "Perspectivas"- Perspectivas regionais

"The Bait"- Penetrating the Global Market / "A isca"- Penetrando o Mercado Global

"The Chosen One"- Penetrating the Global Market / "O escolhido"- Ser um bom cidadão